Book Clubs


Therapeutic Book CluB

Are you looking for connection, deep thought, and interesting discussion related to mental health and the systems that we live in? Join others who are interested in the same thing to discuss one book per session. Each session runs for 8 weeks, with the book club meeting biweekly for 75 minutes over Zoom.

These meetings are run by a licensed therapist, but are not a substitute for therapy. Because this is not therapy, participants are not limited by licensing, and can join from anywhere.

Costs: Each session is $200, and can be paid in full prior to the session beginning. The book is not provided, and can be borrowed from a local library, or purchased from your local independent bookseller or big box store.


Provider Book Club

Are you a professional in the mental health world looking to connect with others to discuss that book that you have had on your shelf for ages, but have yet to read? You’re in luck! Provider book clubs meet bi-monthly to discuss books related to mental health, diet culture, systemic oppression, and more. The session meets on the last Sunday of the month at 3pm on Zoom for 75 minutes.

Costs: These bi-monthly sessions are $40 per session

Next session

When: Sunday September 25, 2022 @ 3pm

Reading: Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change by Angela Garbes

If you’re interested in doing some reading on your own, but aren’t able to join me for one of the book clubs listed above you’re welcome to visit my virtual bookshelves here.